
Diamond Painting A4 LED Light Board Kit USB

Original price was: 30 $.Current price is: 28 $.

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Diamond Painting A4 LED Light Board Kit USB Powered Light Pad for Diamond Art Adjustable Brightness with Detachable Stand Clips.

A4 led light pad – 3-level adjustable brightness is good for drawing and diamonds painting. Emits very little heat, ensuring safe long-time usage Multi-usage – The led tracing pad is also a perfect idea for stenciling, 2D animation, calligraphy, embossing, scrapbooking, tattoo transferring, sketching, drawing, sewing projects, stained glass
quilting, appliqué and X-ray viewing etc
Light Pad Multi-angle Stand – It is the most
conveniently adjusts between different viewing angles, ensuring you’re able to get just the right viewing angle and makes charging simpler and won’t bend your cord
28 Grids Storage Box:lt can be used to load
diamonds and other small things. It is very


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