
DryEasy Plus Wireless Bedwetting Alarm

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DryEasy Plus wireless bedwetting alarm is a device used to train the users to respond to a full bladder by waking. It consists of a moisture sensor with transmitter and a receiver. The moisture sensor which has to be attached to the user’s underpants will trigger the alarm to go off as soon as bedwetting occurs. The user can then wake up and use toilet. Such process can gradually condition the brain to respond to the messages from the bladder and eventually overcome bedwetting problem.

5 Essential Features
Volume control- DryEasy provides 4-level volume control which caters to different needs.

Selectable sounds- DryEasy provides 6 selectable sounds to suit users’ preference and avoid users from getting used to a particular sound.

Random playing- Some users may not respond to the alarm due to inertia. Our random playing feature helps to avoid this phenomenon.

Different operation modes- Operation modes include sound plus vibration, sound only and vibration only.

Works with multiple receivers- Additional receiver can be purchased for parent’s room.

Tips for using bedwetting alarms
1) Parents play an important role in particular at the initial stage of alarm treatment in waking your child as soon as the alarm goes off and are therefore recommended to sleep in the same room with your child for the first 2 weeks of using the alarm. Gradually, the child will be able to respond to the alarm on his/her own.

2) The position of the sensor is important. For boy, it could be better to clip the sensor to the inside flap of their underwear as the sensor can detect the urine quicker. For girls, the sensor should be attached on the crotch area since it is most likely to get wet first.

3) The underwear should be close fitting which is closer to the body and therefore urine will be detected by the sensor more quickly. DO NOT use loose boxer shorts.


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