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Logitech ERGO K860 Wireless Split Keyboard

115 $

Discover the Logitech ERGO K860 Wireless Split Keyboard and revolutionize your typing experience. This ergonomic keyboard is designed to provide superior comfort, support, and efficiency. Explore the key features and benefits of the Logitech ERGO K860 and say goodbye to discomfort and fatigue during long typing sessions.

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Key Features:

Split Ergonomic Design:
The ERGO K860 features a split layout with a curved design that promotes a more natural typing posture. The adjustable palm rest provides optimum support for your wrists and helps reduce strain and fatigue.

Cushioned Palm Rest:
The integrated palm rest is cushioned and padded to provide a comfortable resting position for your wrists. It supports a neutral hand position, allowing for more relaxed and ergonomic typing.

Adjustable Slope:
The keyboard’s adjustable slope allows you to find the perfect typing angle for your comfort. Choose between a 0° flat angle or a 4° or 7° slope to suit your preferences and typing style.

Quiet and Responsive Keys:
The keys on the ERGO K860 are designed to be quiet, providing a pleasant and distraction-free typing experience. The responsive keys ensure accurate and effortless typing.

Wireless Connectivity:
With its reliable wireless connectivity, the ERGO K860 allows you to declutter your workspace and enjoy freedom of movement. The keyboard connects seamlessly to your device via Bluetooth or the included USB receiver.


Enhanced Ergonomics:
The split design and cushioned palm rest of the ERGO K860 promote a more natural typing position, reducing strain on your wrists, arms, and shoulders. Experience improved comfort and long-term health benefits.

Increased Productivity:
The ergonomic layout and responsive keys of the ERGO K860 enhance your typing speed and accuracy, resulting in increased productivity. Spend longer hours typing without discomfort or fatigue.

Improved Posture:
By encouraging a more neutral hand and arm position, the ERGO K860 helps improve your overall posture. Say goodbye to wrist pain and discomfort caused by long hours of typing.

Personalized Comfort:
The adjustable slope and palm rest of the ERGO K860 allow you to customize the keyboard to your preferred typing position. Find the angle and support that works best for you.

Stylish and Durable Design:
The sleek and modern design of the ERGO K860 adds a touch of sophistication to your workspace. Built with high-quality materials, this keyboard is designed to withstand daily use.

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