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NextBase Dash Cams

Original price was: 400 $.Current price is: 150 $.

NextBase Dash Cams are designed to provide reliable and high-quality video recording for your peace of mind and safety on the road. Benefit from the wide-angle lens, loop recording, incident detection, GPS functionality, and more. Choose NextBase for a dependable companion on all your journeys.

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Key Features:

High-Quality Video Recording: NextBase Dash Cams offer high-definition video recording to capture clear and detailed footage of your journeys. Experience crisp and vibrant visuals, even in low-light conditions.

Wide-Angle Lens: The wide-angle lens of NextBase Dash Cams provides an expansive field of view, ensuring that you capture everything happening in front of your vehicle. No detail goes unnoticed, giving you complete peace of mind.

Loop Recording: With loop recording, you never have to worry about running out of storage space. NextBase Dash Cams automatically overwrite the oldest footage, ensuring continuous recording without the need to manually delete files.

G-Sensor and Incident Detection: The built-in G-sensor detects sudden impacts or movements, automatically locking and protecting the relevant footage. This feature ensures that crucial evidence is preserved in the event of an accident or collision.

GPS Functionality: Some NextBase Dash Cams come equipped with GPS functionality, allowing you to track your location and speed. This information can be useful for insurance claims or simply keeping a record of your journeys.


Peace of Mind: NextBase Dash Cams provide an extra layer of security and peace of mind while on the road. With reliable video recording, you have evidence in case of accidents, road incidents, or fraudulent claims.

Improved Safety: By recording your journeys, NextBase Dash Cams promote safer driving behavior. Knowing that you’re being monitored can encourage responsible driving habits and increase awareness on the road.

Insurance Claim Support: In case of an accident, the recorded footage from NextBase Dash Cams can be crucial evidence for insurance claims. It helps provide accurate information about the incident and expedites the claim process.

Driver Assistance Features: Some NextBase Dash Cams offer additional features such as lane departure warning and forward collision warning. These features can alert you to potential dangers and help prevent accidents.

Memories and Adventures: NextBase Dash Cams are not just for accidents or emergencies. They also capture your memorable road trips and adventures. Relive your journeys by reviewing the footage and sharing it with family and friends.

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