
Philips 3000 Series Clock Radio

25 $

Keep it simple with this FM digital clock radio. Plenty of presets make station navigation a breeze and you can set the alarm to wake you to a gently rising radio volume. Want to sleep in? Just reach out and hit the snooze button.

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Keep it simple with this FM digital clock radio. Plenty of presets make station navigation a breeze and you can set the alarm to wake you to a gently rising radio volume. Want to sleep in? Just reach out and hit the snooze button.

Wake up ready to go

  • FM, Digital tuning
  • Dual alarm

FM digital radio

The FM tuner delivers clear reception and you can set up to 10 presets for your favourite stations. The display shows the time clearly.

Sleep Timer. Drift off listening to the radio

Drift into restful sleep with your favourite station playing in the background. You can set the clock’s Sleep Timer to play the radio for up to 2 hours. After your preset time has elapsed, the radio turns off.

Dual alarm. One clock, two wake-up calls

The dual alarm function lets you set two different alarms and the Gentle Wake function deploys a gradually increasing radio volume to ease you into the day.


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