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ring chime pro new edition

50 $

Ring Chime Pro (New Edition) is a versatile device that serves as a Wi-Fi extender and doorbell chime. It extends the coverage of your home Wi-Fi network, amplifies the sound of your Ring alerts, and provides audible notifications for your Ring Video Doorbell or Ring Camera.

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Wi-Fi Extender: Extend the coverage and range of your home Wi-Fi network to ensure a strong and reliable connection for your Ring devices.

Dual Functionality: Serve as a Wi-Fi extender and a doorbell chime, providing both enhanced network performance and audible alerts.

Amplified Alerts: Boost the volume and clarity of your Ring alerts, ensuring that you can hear them loud and clear throughout your home.

Customizable Tones: Choose from a selection of chime tones and adjust the volume to match your preference or suit different areas of your home.

Do Not Disturb Mode: Enable the Do Not Disturb mode to temporarily disable chime alerts during specific hours or when you need some quiet time.

Multiple Device Connectivity: Connect multiple Ring Video Doorbells, Ring Cameras, and Chime Pros to your home Wi-Fi network for comprehensive coverage and alerts.

Easy Setup: Simply plug the Ring Chime Pro into a standard power outlet, connect it to your home Wi-Fi network through the Ring app, and follow the simple setup instructions.

Expandable Coverage: Add multiple Chime Pros throughout your home to extend Wi-Fi coverage and ensure reliable connectivity for all your Ring devices.

Ring Network Assist: Utilize Ring Network Assist, a feature that optimizes the Wi-Fi connectivity between your Ring devices and the Chime Pro for optimal performance.

Sleek Design: The compact and sleek design of the Chime Pro (New Edition) blends seamlessly with any home decor.


Extended Wi-Fi Coverage: Enjoy an expanded range and improved connectivity for your Ring devices, even in areas with weak Wi-Fi signals.

Enhanced Alert Notifications: Hear your Ring alerts more clearly and with amplified volume, ensuring that you never miss a visitor or motion detection.

Customized Experience: Choose from various chime tones and adjust the volume to match your preference and create a personalized experience.

Flexible Placement: The compact size and plug-in design of Chime Pro (New Edition) allow for easy placement in any room within your home.

Easy Installation: Setting up Chime Pro (New Edition) is quick and straightforward, requiring only a power outlet and a connection to your home Wi-Fi network.

Expandable Coverage: Add multiple Chime Pro devices to extend Wi-Fi coverage and ensure reliable connectivity for all your Ring devices.

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