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Wacom Intuos M : Creative Pen Tablet

Original price was: 150 $.Current price is: 140 $.

Unlock your creative potential with the Wacom Intuos. Its pressure-sensitive pen, compact design, customizable express keys, wireless connectivity, and compatibility with popular software make it the perfect tool for artists, designers, and creators of all levels. Elevate your artwork and bring your ideas to life with the Wacom Intuos.

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Key Features:

Pressure-Sensitive Pen: The Wacom Intuos comes with a pressure-sensitive pen that allows you to create precise and detailed artwork. The pen recognizes varying levels of pressure, giving you control over line thickness and opacity.

Compact and Portable: With its compact size and lightweight design, the Wacom Intuos is easy to carry and fits comfortably in your bag. It is perfect for creating art on the go or working in limited spaces.

Customizable Express Keys: The tablet features programmable express keys that can be customized to suit your workflow. You can assign frequently used shortcuts or functions to these keys, making your creative process more efficient.

Wireless Connectivity: The Wacom Intuos offers wireless connectivity, allowing you to work without the constraint of cables. You can move freely and comfortably while creating your artwork.

Compatible with Multiple Software: The tablet is compatible with a wide range of creative software, including Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Corel Painter, and more. You can easily integrate it into your existing workflow and unleash your creativity.


Enhanced Precision: The pressure-sensitive pen provides a natural and responsive drawing experience. It allows you to create intricate details, smooth lines, and realistic shading, giving your artwork a professional touch.

Flexible and Portable: The compact size and lightweight design of the Wacom Intuos make it easy to carry and use wherever you go. You can work comfortably in cafes, studios, or even while traveling, unleashing your creativity without limitations.

Streamlined Workflow: The customizable express keys allow you to streamline your workflow by assigning your favorite shortcuts or functions. It saves you time and effort, enabling a more efficient and productive creative process.

Wireless Freedom: With wireless connectivity, you can enjoy the freedom of movement while working. You are not restricted by cables, giving you more flexibility and comfort to express your artistic vision.

Versatile Compatibility: The Wacom Intuos is compatible with popular creative software, ensuring that you can seamlessly integrate it into your preferred workflow. Whether you are a professional artist or a hobbyist, you can unleash your creativity with ease.

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