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Xiaomi Mi Wireless Outdoor Security Camera Set

Original price was: 100 $.Current price is: 80 $.

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The Xiaomi Mi Wireless Outdoor Security Camera 1080p Set is a comprehensive surveillance solution designed to enhance the security of your home or outdoor space. This camera set consists of a high-definition wireless camera and a base station, offering a seamless and convenient monitoring experience.

The camera captures video footage in crisp 1080p resolution, providing clear and detailed images. It employs advanced image sensors and lenses to deliver excellent video quality, ensuring that you can easily identify people, objects, and events within its field of view. The camera also supports night vision, allowing for round-the-clock monitoring even in low-light conditions.

With its wireless connectivity, the camera can be easily installed and positioned in the desired location without the need for complex wiring. The base station acts as a hub for the camera, facilitating the wireless connection and serving as a central control point for managing the camera’s settings and recordings.

The camera is equipped with motion detection technology, which can detect movement within its range and trigger alerts to your smartphone or other connected devices. This feature enables you to stay informed about any suspicious activity in real-time, enhancing the overall security of your property.

Furthermore, the Xiaomi Mi Wireless Outdoor Security Camera 1080p Set supports two-way audio communication, allowing you to listen and speak to individuals near the camera. This feature enables you to interact with visitors, delivery personnel, or even deter potential intruders by issuing verbal warnings.

The camera set is designed to withstand various weather conditions and is built with a durable, weather-resistant housing. This ensures that it can operate reliably outdoors, providing continuous surveillance regardless of rain, wind, or extreme temperatures.

To enhance the functionality and convenience, the camera set is typically compatible with a dedicated mobile application. Through the app, you can access live video feeds, review recorded footage, customize settings, and receive real-time notifications. The app may also offer additional features such as cloud storage options for storing recordings, intelligent motion detection zones, and the ability to integrate with other smart home devices.

In summary, the Xiaomi Mi Wireless Outdoor Security Camera 1080p Set offers a reliable and feature-rich solution for monitoring and securing your outdoor spaces. With its high-definition video quality, wireless connectivity, motion detection, night vision, and two-way audio, it provides an efficient and convenient means of enhancing the security of your property.


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